Friday, December 18, 2009

A taste of current projects

Just in time for Christmas, it's the newest teaser trailer for "The Girls," a film by Rob Matsushita and featuring a cameo by yours truly! Fair warning, this may not be something you should go about watching while at work. Unless you work someplace awesome.

This is part two of the "Wasted Youth" project that includes the film "High School Sweethearts," in which I had a very bloody starring role. That movie also served as part of Will Gartside's (the director) graduate thesis, which I was very proud to see him defend and have approved just last month. Ah, beautiful synergy between horror films and academia! The whole thing should be released for public viewing in the early part of 2010, and you can be sure I'll pimp its release here.

In the meantime, here's wishing you all a very merry Christmakwanzikkah and a happy new year!


stucco contractor ontario said...

I'm definitely going to watch this, the plot is nothing conventional thus stirring my curiosity.

Skip said...

So did Rob actually pay to use Jimi Hendrix? If so, how much did it cost? Any idea?

Emily said...

Palmer, I don't actually know how that worked out. Though I suspect Youtube may have some sort of deal where they'll let you use sections of non-liscensed songs if they get to throw in that link to buy the mp3. Not sure, though.

The Lost Albatross