And that's OK. Frankly, it'd be hard to compete with the much bigger festivals in nearby cities like Milwaukee and Chicago. We here in Madison are pretty keen on marching to our own drummer, anyway. And, truth be told, our fair city kind of does Pride all year round (one of many reasons to love this crazy place).
Just last month, for instance, Madison's LGBT residents and their allies marched and rallied to counter the bigotry and distortions of the National Organization for Marriage's anti-equality tour. Some 500 gay rights supporters turned out for an event that drew a diverse coalition of individuals and groups from around Wisconsin.
So I was surprised when the Wisconsin Capitol Pride festivities on Sunday featured more politicking and speechifying than celebrating.
After a joyous parade around the capitol building, down State Street, and onto Library Mall, revelers were met by the thumpa thumpa of a DJ spinning dance tunes. People were exhilarated, ready to party, feelin' good.
And then began the seemingly endless line-up of speeches. Mayor Dave, Tammy Baldwin, Sheriff Mahoney, Mark Pocan, and a fellow running for the Wisconsin Supreme Court all took their turns in front of the microphone while the assembled crowd grew more and more sun baked and subdued.
Let me be clear: I'm in no way saying that politics and the politicians who represent and support the LGBT community have no place at Pride festivities. Quite the opposite. I'm glad they're there. I think it's crucial that our elected representatives show their support by showing their faces (second only to actually working for positive change, of course).
I believe there is a place for good, motivational speeches at Pride, too - but for the love of sunscreen, can we limit the number and pacing of the speakers? For all of the positive energy that had been built up during the parade, by the time the final talker talked themselves out, half of the people had gone home.
The band (disco superstars VO5) was finally able to go on, effectively pulling some folks back in and prompting a good ol' gay dance-off, but then had to stop after maybe five songs for yet more talking. And that's when I gave up and left.
Look, I'm sure the people behind Madison's official Pride celebration mean well, and I'm fully aware of how difficult it can be to properly organize large events (been there, done that) - but that's no excuse for not trying to improve.
Pride is about going out, getting a little rowdy, and showing the world how spectacularly awesome every element of our human family is. It's about being yourself and loving it, about being an example to all those still crushed under the boot of oppression and ignorance of what's possible - and, dammit, it's about having fun.
The good people of Madison spend much of their year being active, engaged citizens working hard to improve their communities. That's why Pride has always been, to me anyway, a time to kick off our shoes and just enjoy ourselves. A little less politics and a little more booty shaking, you know?
So next year, here's how we do it:
Parade around the capitol and down State Street? Great. Done. Have the crowd met by an awesome DJ, good food vendors, local artists and businesses sellin' stuff, etc. at Library Mall. Make it a proper festival! Do a very brief crowd rev up, introduce big political supporters en masse (let them wave, smile for cameras, and at most take a minute to say their peace), and then get back to the party.
Also, before any of this happens, make sure plans and expectations for the various events are clearly and concisely laid out in your PR materials so people have a decent idea of what to expect and when (I saw nothing about all of the speeches and speakers in said materials for this event, for instance).
Finally and foremost, be all-inclusive.
Follow these very simple guidelines and I can almost guarantee you won't face another awkward situation where 3/4ths of your audience leaves during someones speech.
Sure, it's not the apocalypse if a Pride celebration gets a bit bungled. There are far worse things happening in the world that we could (and should) be working on. But Pride is still important - for the veterans of the struggle to mark progress made, for those people just figuring themselves out to see what's possible, for misguided folks who really can, slowly but surely, have their minds changed just by our community's increasing visibility.
People care. You care. Let's work together to get it right.
P.S. On a related note, this is fairly awesome: "A CNN poll this month found that a narrow majority of Americans supported same-sex marriage — the first poll to find majority support." About damn time.
So people getting drunk and dancing trumps what brings about gay rights? Sorry, but I disagree.
No, and I'm afraid you've completely misunderstood what I'm saying here.
Ummmmm. No I reread your post. That is exactly what you are looking for. Fewer speeches from people who can affect our lives, move dancing. Not exactly the path to success.
You said that you read what I said to mean "getting drunk and dancing trumps what brings about gay rights."
Which is incorrect.
What I said was that I think Gay Pride is the one time a year we get to celebrate what makes our community unique and wonderful. Celebrating can mean dancing and even drinking, yes - but it's difficult to keep up the momentum of celebration when there are so many speeches that go on for so long that most people either leave or zone out.
I'm a big fan of Tammy Baldwin, Mark Pocan, and all of the other people who've fought so hard for equality over the years. And like I already said in the post, I absolutely believe they should have an honored place at Pride festivities.
I also think you could balance those two things by keeping the speeches limited in number and shorter in length. Especially when taken next to the fact that we just had a gay rights rally not even a month ago, full of speeches and politics and all of that good stuff.
People get burnt out. The struggle is long and hard, and sometimes yes! We want to dance! Doesn't mean it "trumps" anything else. It just is.
Any politician or candidate who takes away the energy and vitality of the movement he/she is hoping to garner support from is doing something wrong. You're right: people were there to have fun and be proud of themselves. The politicos should have recognized that and either kept up the energy or stepped aside, as you suggest. Gay rights don't have be advanced through politicians making pro forma speeches, after all; they can be advanced effectively simply by making gays part of the "mainstream," showing people that it's not "them" vs. "us" but simply "us." In that respect, parades and parties and just living life openly and happily can be as effective as all the speechifying in the world.
Or more effective: I don't think the ongoing shift in attitudes towards gay rights is explainable by politicians making stump speeches. I think it's more a reflection of the fact that more people are living openly as gay or know someone who is or at least are familiar with it through such things as the Pride festivals. The more familiar something is, the less reason to fear or oppose it.
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