Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Internet vacation

For the handful of people who graciously read my blog on a regular occasion, just a heads up that I'll be spending much of the rest of the week moving, which means only sporadic internet access (at best). That also means I probably won't be posting much, if anything, until Monday.

It also also means I'll probably start twitching and having night sweats by, say, Wednesday?

Anyhoo, until then, behave yourselves and stay classy!


The CDP. said...

Good luck with the move; we'll see you soon.

I can't believe that you used that dog picture on the same exact day that I decided to, as well. Cosmic.

Emily said...

Truly, great minds....

Anonymous said...

I make no promises as to behaving. Staying classy would imply that I had been so at some point.

Anonymous said...

You, madam, are a whore of the highest order.

The Lost Albatross