Thursday, September 24, 2009

The good news for Sept. 24, 2009

I haven't done one of these in awhile, but there's a lot going on and I have little time to dedicate to a proper post today. Plus, I can't let Craver have all the fun, can I? Also, I've got some interesting news to break to you all in the near future regarding this blog. Stay tuned!

  • [Channel3000] - It looks like the Wisconsin legislature might finally be getting around to imposing actual regulations on dog breeders. Unfortunately, our state has become something of a haven for puppy mills and other nefarious breeding outfits. I have no idea why it took this long for concrete laws to be enacted. Who were the puppy haters causing the delay?
  • [Liebmann] Cory had the unenviable task of actually sitting through Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker's big 2010 budget proposal speech today, and makes some fine points about the rampant hypocrisy inherent within. I would be laughing at Walker more if I didn't know that some people actually respect the guy. It's a mad, mad world.
  • [77 Square] Katjusa Cisar does a nice post-game piece on last weekend's second annual Forward Music Fest. I was involved via two bands that played, and since I'd expressed some crankiness over how things were handled by organizers, I'm even quoted. All that's lacking is a visual representation of me angrily shaking my fist at a passing cloud.
  • [Dane101] Shameless plug! As a co-editor for this site, I feel it's my duty to let you know that we've just undergone a massive--and, I think, pretty awesome--redesign. To celebrate, we're giving away some pretty awesome prizes every day this week. Hey, this is how it's done! No broken links or anything!

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